Besides having many issues with the casting of several unpopular characters during Turbo, the other major problem was how Turbo handled the Carranger footage. Carranger was a parody of all previous Sentais and was known more for its silly slapstick comedy. Carranger ended up being a major hit in Japan. However, the writers of Power Rangers Turbo wanted to make it a dark, apocalyptic season. The first half of the season, however, failed miserably because of the terrible handling of the Carranger footage. Some PR fans, most notably Linkara, have questioned rather Power Rangers should have even adapted Carranger.
I've also read some comments that Power Rangers should have adapted Jetman instead of Carranger, which was originally planned for MMPR. Admittedly, Jetman could have suited the writers nicely because Jetman was definitely a dark season, which was what the writers wanted. But there are still some issues with adapting Jetman. First, during the beginning of Turbo, Douglass Sloan was still the head writer. While I think Sloan's work as a writer for PR is a bit underrated, he certainly wasn't as willing to adapt darker, more edgier scenes that involved death and violence like Judd Lynn was. This could have watered down the source material tremendously. The other big issue is the casting choices made during the first half of Turbo, particularly with the casting of Justin to replace Rocky, as well as Alpha 6 and Dimitria to replace Alpha 5 and Zordon. Also, Jetman was an older Sentai than Carranger, albiet only 5 years older. Masked Rider didn't exactly do well when adapting much older, Kamen Rider Black RX footage.
Even then, if done properly, Carranger still could have been adapted into a much darker, more serious Power Ranger season. One example of this is RPM, which adapted Go-Onger. Like Carranger, Go-Onger was a lighthearted, comedy oriented season. RPM, however, successfully adapted Go-Onger's source footage for a very dark, post-apocalyptic season. RPM often did not use Go-Onger footage, but when it did, it tented the footage to make it look like it was a post-apocalyptic world. Especially involving fights outside the dome.